Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Prompt #8

“My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.” ~Richard Avedon.

This is an interesting quote, and I think that I have to agree with it. When anyone takes a photo, regardless of the subject of the photo, that photo is the creation of the photographer. A subject can pose and greatly affect a photo, but the photographer is ultimately the one making any major decisions about the meaning. It is the photographer who manipulates the light, focus, and angle, and it is the photographer's vision that is reproduced, literally. As viewers of a photograph, we see what the photographer saw, not the vision of the subject. In this sense, every photograph really IS more about the photographer than the subject, because the photographer chooses to emphasize certain aspects of a subject, and produce an image that speaks more to what the photographer finds relevant. In the portraits I've taken, I've noticed that, although the photos I take seem to convey something about the subject, they even more so convey the kinds of characteristics I find the most important in a person, and as a result, reflect my personal beliefs perhaps more strongly than my model's.

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