People seemed to be drawn to the contrast and crisp detail, as well as the large depth of field, in this photo. One classmate said that the image reminded her of bronchial tubes, and a kind of connection between nature and the human body. Other students agreed with this sentiment--the photo looked a lot like human anatomy, and reminded people of blood vessels.
Most people seemed to think that the contrast was working well in the photo. The bright white of the tree against the comparatively dark sky was unexpected, and the dark lines on the tree made the image visually stimulating. Only one person suggested that I move the photo a bit off center, and I suppose that a different framing of the photo could be interesting, and possibly improve it.
I really like this tree, and I was actually thinking, before someone suggested the comparison with human anatomy, that a shot of someone in the tree, dressed in similarly patterned clothing, could be really interesting. The person could become a part of the tree.
"Fish" photo:
No one could figure this one out, even when I said what it was, and pointed out the different landmarks in the photo. The general reaction was that this photo was incredibly strange, but had nice contrast. No concrete themes could be applied to the image, it seemed.
The distorting and reflecting of the light, combined with the increased contrast, were definitely the photo's strong points. As a complete abstraction of real life, the class agreed that it was very successful. The only thing that I can think of to improve this photo would be to get maybe one more thing into the frame, to add even more contrasting shapes.
I think this would be a good jumping-off photo for a series of abstracts dealing with light distortion through glass and water. Different angles and views of my fish bowl, or other glass containers containing liquid for that matter, could produce some interesting results.
Doorknob photo:
When my classmates took a look at this photo, they sensed movement, and were drawn to the unique portrayal of this every-day object. Some mentioned that it almost seemed sinister, and this was close to the feeling I was hoping to get across. The image made them think of a horror movie, as if something was about to jump out from behind the door.
Most people agreed that the sense of movement, as well as the unusual composition, worked well in this photo. It came across as being a little unsettling, and so I think it was successful in that respect. I personally think that if there was a way to up the contrast of the shadows on the door more, without disturbing the door knob, the image would have a stronger impact.
Going with the noire theme, this photo could be a jumping off point for a series of photos in dark, dramatic, indoor settings.....kind of like movie stills. Shadows could be fun to play with as well. I could make a series of photos entitled "haunted house", that would take the mundane features of my apartment and make them a little more exciting.
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